

Businesses and organizations are in one of four cycles: Accelerating, Booming, Decelerating, or Tanking. Regardless of where they are, they search for ways to continue growing, get out of ruts, or prevent having to close the doors. They do not lack vision, but often lack a management process that allows them to see where they should be spending their time and resources. The Paterson StratOp Process provides exactly that. It is a six-step process consisting of perspective, planning, action, structure, management, and renewal.

StratOp walks leadership teams through a three-day process where we focus on perspective, planning, and action. Upon the conclusion of the three-day session, we break into teams that develop detailed action plans. Approximately one month later, the teams present their plans to the leader and StratOp facilitator where we work to ensure they are logical and feasible. Afterword, the facilitator and leader discuss the structure of the team to ensure that all of the members are poised to succeed in their roles.

Once structure is confirmed and a launch date is set, teams begin working their plans. StratOp reinforces the adage: “Plan your work. Work your plan. Your plan will work.” This is where StratOp truly separates itself from any other strategic planning process- it equips your team with a new strategic operating and management system. This system allows you to set goals, measure outcomes, and adapt to emerging trends.

StratOp is not a process to take lightly and requires dedication to trusting the process. If you’re like me, you’ll often find yourself wanting to do things outside your normal scope of business…which is why StratOp is so important. It keeps you focused on “what’s important now” so you can move the chains down the field.



The Goddard School



Global Media Outreach


Christian Vision North America

Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church

Atlantic Christian Academy

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